Banquet menus

Banquet menus are available to groups of 15 or more. Groups of 20 or more are required to order off our banquet menu unless management approves otherwise. All prices include a 20% suggested gratuity and a 7.375% state sales tax. If you use a credit card, an additional fee of 3% will be added to your check to offset processing fees. This amount is not more than we pay in fees. Debit cards and cash are excluded from this surcharge. Prices are subject to change.  A 72 -hour advance confirmation on count is required. Space will be designated based on anticipated number of guests. Management may reassign room seating if number in party changes. Desserts, appetizers, and beverages are not included in the prices, but may be added to the selections with applicable taxes and suggested gratuities. To book your party or ask questions please contact Alaina at 507-635-2231.

Note: Prices subject to change without notice.

If you use a credit card, an additional fee of 3% will be added to your check to offset processing fees. This amount is not more than we pay in fees. Debit cards and cash are excluded from this surcharge.